Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

We are all beginning to think about the holidays, but the term “diet” doesn’t ever cross our minds. And the keto diet? Definitely not.
The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carb diet plan that allows only 10 percent of your daily calories to come from carbs, which is roughly 20-30 grams of carbohydrates. Eating more than this could knock you out of ketosis. But aren’t the holidays the perfect occasion to cheat a little? Maybe, but keep in mind that half a cup of mashed potatoes has about 11 grams of carbs, which means you may have to skip out on some of your favorites or find creative ways to reinvent your must have holiday foods. Most importantly, you have to remember that the holidays aren't about overeating/indulging. It is about spending time with your friends and family. 
How can I stay keto during the holidays though, when I’m surrounded by sweets and carb-loving friends and family? Well, even though it may sound daunting – and maybe even impossible – we are here to assure you that with some creativity and discipline, you can definitely do it! Keep reading to check out our tips on how to stick to keto during these food-filled weeks and keep your carbs in check. The tips below are centered around holiday parties and family gatherings where the temptations can be the strongest! 


  1. Eat before you go. This helps fill you up so you are less tempted to indulge. It is especially helpful if you have multiple gatherings to go to in one day.
  2. Carry a glass of water or sparkling water to keep your hands occupied and your belly full. Staying hydrated prevents you from overeating.
  3. Bring something to the table! If you know you are a sucker for grandma's homemade pecan pie, instead grab a few of our Butter Pecans pints to satisfy that craving. 
  4. Beware of hidden carbs! Turkey, brisket, and green beans are all keto, but watch out for dressings and gravy that may be added to it, your carbs can add up quickly so be sure you are paying attention to the added ingredients. 
  5. Keep your meal simple. 
  6. Ignore negative feedback! We all have those friends or family members who don’t understand keto or think it's an unhealthy diet. Remember to remain calm and kindly respond with your reasonings. Don’t let people deter you from your goals. You are on your own path and it is working for you. 
  7. Choose your favorite carbs. Remember you do get 20-30g of carbs per day! You could do that half cup of mashed potatoes if that is where you want to spend your carbs. 
  8. Focus on non-food activities. You don’t have to hang out in the kitchen, start up a football game with the kids outside or move from person to person to catch up. Just remember you don’t have to have food in your hands! 

For any recipe recommendations be sure to check our website for more suggestions! 

1 comment

  • james

    This is some wonderful information on keto. Thank you! Sticking to high fats (healthy only) and high protein rich foods, I definitely noticed a huge increase in fat loss. I also noticed a huge difference in my mental clarity, and focus.

    I wanted to ask, did you also feel this mental clarity and focus when on keto? And which of these would you say is your most important keto tip? Thanks

    Also to help anyone, I followed this keto plan that lets you make a custom one, and it’s pretty cool, you can check it out here if you want :)

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