From volunteering efforts to sustainable business practices, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact.
Through our partnership with our chocolate supplier, every cocoa purchase helps build self-sustaining farming communities that protect nature and children. We are committed to enabling the next generation of cocoa farmers, helping protect children in cocoa farming communities, and creating economic opportunities for women.

Every ice cream product is made with the freshest cream from a multi-generational family-owned farm. Our dairy farms are comprised of more than 600 farm families throughout the Midwest. Great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents can often be found pitching in together to take care of the animals and the land. The care of the cows is also set to the highest standard. Detailed guidelines are procured to ensure healthy and happy cows!
By fostering empathy and responsibility, we aim to be a trusted and valuable member of the community we serve.
We are committed to making a difference in the lives of those in our community and around the world. It is important for us to give back and make a positive impact in areas that our team is passionate about. Our team will continue to find opportunities to support our community and we promise to show kindness and compassion in the process.