The Heart Behind Keto Foods

The Heart Behind Keto Foods

A Story Birthed Out of Love

This idea of love, love is crafted in humanity's design to be able to do things that are miracles. Love is the essence and the component that protects, that endures and is something that is so true to our heart, and our story at Keto Foods.

My name is Chris Spencer, I am one of the Cofounders of Keto Foods, alongside my brother Anthony Spencer. 

I think about the love that my brother and I have for our father and the experiences we have growing up , and that thought of our life without him and what that would really look like.

Our father was eating a lot of high sugary items due to stress eating that ultimately led him to the hospital in June of 2018 after suffering his first heart attack. At that point, it became a part of our story to do anything to protect and show our father the love he had always shown us.

We started doing everything possible to help our father change his lifestyle and live out this healthier life. It sounds like a lot to devote this much time to be strive for strive with someone. To wake up in the morning, to literally put them on your back. To cook their meals, to take them to the gym, but at the end of the day, without you there, the other person's life wouldn't be changed.

One day we had gone out and purchased this small ice cream maker to make our father no sugar added, ketogenic ice cream to help add some normalcy in his life. Our homemade ice cream ended up tasting really good. We would test his glucose levels after consuming the ice cream, and his blood glucose levels wouldn't even rise. We were actually giving something to our father that he could enjoy at the same time servicing his health. 

He ended up losing over 40 pounds over four months, he completely reversed his diabetic syndromes, and in his follow up with the Mayo Clinic, they said it was the healthiest they had ever seen him. 

The thought then was just being present with our dad. At the time there was no future vision. Sometimes life manifests itself in ways that you didn't even think were possible. 

Our company's mission is to energize the world with healthier all-natural foods that taste great and truly make a difference.

Today, we produce 300-350,000 pints of ice cream and over 10 million ice cream bars monthly. We are found in over 5,000 stores, like Walmart, Costco, Gelson's Market, Woodman's Market, Kroger, and the list goes on. 

From this experience, I can see what is possible inside of every human being as it relates to love. When you love deeply you are willing to sacrifice your own self for the betterment of everyone around you and the impact that has will never go unnoticed. 

When you grab a Keto Foods product off the shelf you are saying yes to better living without sacrificing the things that you love. When you join our family, we don’t want you to change who you are, we simply believe that you deserve the best. Thank you for being part of the Keto Foods story. We look forward to the future and what has yet to come. 

Be Wonderful,
Chris & Anthony Spencer 


1 comment

  • Rachel

    I never thought I would be able to do Keto because I love sweets especially ice cream. KETO PINT is so good and helps keep me on track. I live that there are several flavors to choose from. It would be nice if KETO PINT would open brick and mortar ice cream shops.

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